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Feel Your Strongest With These 10-Minute At-Home Workouts

No time to work out, let alone commute to the gym? No problem. Below are five 10-minute workouts you can do at home. Each 10-minute workout is comprised of three exercises and requires next to no equipment and can easily be squeezed into the busiest of schedules.

Grab a towel, aVital Proteins® Hydration** + Collagen stick pack to stay hydrated** and begin your sweat sesh!

10-Minute Workouts That Can Be Done at Home

10 minute workout

Workout 1: Lower-Body Blast

After warming up, you'll complete each exercise for the number of repetitions indicated. When you finish all 3 exercises, begin at exercise 1 again until the timer hits 10 minutes. Take breaks as needed. Then cool down and stretch.

Exercise 1: Forward to Reverse Lunge

Start standing with hands at your sides. Step forward with right foot and lower the left knee until it almost touches the ground and right thigh is parallel to the ground, breathing in. Pushing through the heel of your right foot (this is the working leg), lift right leg up and back behind the body similar to a forward lunge but passing the starting position and landing behind you. Lower until the right knee almost touches the ground and left thigh is almost parallel to the ground. Pushing through heel of left foot (this is the working leg) step the right leg all the way from behind you to the front of you as if you are performing a reverse lunge but passing the starting position. That's one rep.

Complete 15 reps per leg

Exercise 2: Bulgarian Split Squat

Stand away from a flat bench and lift right foot back to rest toes on top of the bench. That's your starting position. With arms at your sides, lower your (back) right knee until it has almost reached the ground while breathing in. Stand back up to starting position, focusing on pushing through the heel of your left (front) foot while breathing out. The working leg is the front leg. That’s one rep.

Complete 15 reps per leg

*Use a chair or any flat elevated surface if a bench is not available.*

Exercise 3: Single Leg Pistol Squat

Start in a seated position on a flat bench. Lift right leg up a few inches from the ground. Pushing through the left heel stand up while breathing out, keeping the right leg off the ground. Slowly lower back down to seated position keeping the right leg lifted in the air. That's one rep.

Complete 15 reps per leg

*Use a chair or any flat surface if a bench is not available.*

10 minute workout

Workout 2: 10-Minute Ab Workout

After warming up, you'll complete each exercise for the number of repetitions indicated. When you finish all 3 exercises, begin at exercise 1 again until the timer hits 10 minutes. Take breaks as needed. Then cool down and stretch.

Exercise 1: Jump In, Jump Out

Start in plank position with feet together and hips lifted with core engaged. Hop feet in, keeping hips and heels raised. Wait one beat then jump feet back to the starting position. That's one rep.

Complete 15 reps

Exercise 2: Plank Jack

Start in plank position with body in a straight line and feet together. With core engaged, hop feet out as wide as you can, like you are doing a jumping jack. Hold for two beats. (Don't rush.) Hop feet back together to starting position. Hold this position again for two beats. Keep ribs lifted and body in a straight line the whole time. That's one rep.

Complete 15 reps

Exercise 3: Mountain Climber

Start in a high plank position, keeping body in a straight line and hips lifted to engage abs. Drive right leg toward right elbow, then left leg toward left elbow. Make sure feet pick up and land at the same time and stay between the shoulders. One foot exchange is one rep.

Complete 20 reps

10-minute workout

Workout 3: Chest Strengthener

After warming up, you’ll complete each exercise for the number of repetitions indicated. When you finish all three exercises, begin at exercise 1 again until the timer hits 10 minutes. Take breaks as needed. Then cool down and stretch.

Exercise 1: Decline Push-up

Start in a plank position with toes on a bench, hands on floor. Keep body in a straight line with ribs lifted. That's your starting position. Bending at elbows, lower body until your chest almost touches the floor, keeping core braced, while breathing in. Straighten arms, pushing body back up to starting position while breathing out. That's one rep.

Complete 15 reps.

*Use a chair or any elevated flat surface if a bench is not available.*

Exercise 2: Alternating Slide Out Pushups

Start in a plank position with your hands placed on the gliders under your shoulders. Slide your left arm away from your body to the left side as far as you’re able. Bending at the elbows, lower body until chest almost touches the floor while breathing in. Straighten arms, pushing body back up while breathing out. Using your chest, slide the left arm back to the starting position. That's one rep.

Complete 14 reps

*Use towels if no gliders are available.*

Exercise 3: Glider Fly

Start in a plank position with your hands on the gliders under your shoulders. Slide both arms to your sides and away from the body while lowering your body and chest towards the ground. Using your chest, slide both arms back to the starting position while breathing out. That's one rep.

Complete 15 reps

10 minute workout

Workout 4: Back Attack

After warming up, you'll complete each exercise for the number of repetitions indicated. When you finish all 3 exercises, begin at exercise 1 again until the timer hits 10 minutes. Take breaks as needed. Then cool down and stretch.

Exercise 1: Single Arm Suspension Row

Start holding the left handle in your left hand in front of you and face the anchor point. Lean back until your body weight is on your heels with your left arm extended and left hand in the neutral position, palm facing the body. Bend your left elbow, keeping it close to the body as you pull your torso up toward your hand breathing out. Return to the starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

Complete 15 reps per arm

*Loop resistance bands over an anchor point if a suspension trainer is not available.*

Exercise 2: Band Lat Pulldown

Loop the band securely over an anchor above you. Facing the anchor, place your hands into the handles and kneel down onto the ground. With your torso upright, extend your arms towards the ceiling. That is your starting position. Pull the handles down and out to shoulder level while breathing out and squeezing your back. Slowly return to the starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

Complete 15 reps

Exercise 3: Reverse Grip Pull-Up

Start with your hands on a bar, shoulder-width apart with your palms facing you. With arms extended above you, stick your chest out and curve your back slightly. Pull yourself up toward the bar using your back until the bar is at chest level while breathing out. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

Complete 15 reps

*Use resistance bands to assist if needed.*

10 minute workout

Workout 5: Quick Cardio

After warming up, you'll complete each exercise for the number of repetitions indicated. When you finish all 3 exercises, begin at exercise 1 again until the timer hits 10 minutes. Take breaks as needed. Then cool down and stretch.

Exercise 1: Broad Jump

Start by standing with feet slightly less than shoulder width apart. Bring your arms back and behind you and lower into a quarter squat position. Jump forward as far as possible driving with your hips and arms. Land in a soft, athletic position. That is one rep.

Complete 20 reps

Exercise 2: Knee Tuck Jump

Start standing with knees slightly bent and arms extended at chest level, palms facing the ground. Lower your body quickly into a squat position and jump as high as you can driving your knees towards your palms. Land softly in the standing position. That is one rep.

Complete 15 reps

Exercise 3: Star Jump

Start in a squat position with feet close together and arms extended downward in front of legs, with palms facing the body and hands touching. Jump explosively and vertically, spreading arms and legs out into a start shape as you jump. Land softly with feet together in starting position. That's one rep.

(The lower the hands, the deeper the squat and the more difficult the movement, so adjust according to your fitness level.)

Complete 15 reps

Fuel Your 10-Minute Workouts With Vital Performance™