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The Post-Thanksgiving Workout Your Body Is Craving

It’s the morning after the holiday and you’re up and ready to tackle a workout at the gym. More than likely, your celebration included a festive meal complete with all the fixings — mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams and pumpkin pie, to name a few! The good news is your feast has stocked your muscles with glycogen and primed you for a solid training session. And this leg workout below is sure to put that glycogen to good use and make for a very smart training choice for the morning after.

Take a look below for the perfect exercise to wean off that Turkey Day fatigue.

The Best Workout To Do The Day After Thanksgiving

Warm Up

10 Minutes of Cardio

Examples include a light jog, fast walk, skipping and climbing stairs.For your warm-up sets, you'll use a lighter weight and perform 15-18 reps of each exercise. There is no break between the exercises. You'll do your squats, followed immediately by the lunges and then, take your break. You'll repeat this to complete your 2 warm-up sets. If you're just starting out, and the barbell is too heavy for your warm-up sets, simply use a preset weight bar.

2 Sets of Barbell Squats with Alternating Forward Lunges

The Best Workout To Do The Day After Thanksgiving2

Working Sets

When choosing weight for your working sets, make sure that you are picking loads appropriate to your fitness level. The last few reps of each set of each exercise should be a real struggle. If it is not, then simply increase the resistance on the following set. If you choose a weight that is too heavy to complete all the reps listed in your program, simply reduce the resistance on your following set. Break times should be just long enough that the quality of your subsequent set does not suffer.

3 Sets of Barbell Squats (8 Reps) with Alternating Forward Lunge (16 Reps)

Performing both exercises in a row before taking your break. There is no break between the exercises.

3 Sets of Sumo Deadlifts (8 Reps) with Alternating Elevated Reverse Lunge (16 Reps)

Performing both exercises in a row before taking your break. There is no break between the exercises.

3 Sets of Leg Press (8 Reps) with Alternating Curtsy Lunge (16 Reps)

Performing both exercises in a row before taking your break. There is no break between the exercises. After you've completed your working sets, don't forget to cool down and stretch. Perform a series of your favorite dynamic stretches before heading home to enjoy some leftovers, if there are any!

The Best Workout To Do The Day After Thanksgiving

Your Exercise Glossary

Barbell Squat

Begin standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Get set up under the barbell, resting it on the traps with your head up and chest high. This is your starting position. Slowly lower into a squat position while breathing in descending to a depth 90 degrees or lower depending on your flexibility. Push through the heels to return to the starting position while breathing out. That is one rep.

Alternating Forward Lunge

Start standing with dumbbells in hands at your sides. That's your starting position. Step forward with the left foot and lower the right knee until it is nearly touching the ground, breathing in. Pushing through the heel of your left foot, return to the starting position while breathing out. That's one rep. Switch legs, alternating for the reps in your set.

Sumo Deadlift

Start standing under a loaded bar with feet wide and toes turned outwards. Bending at the hips, grasp the bar using the desired grip (overhand, reverse or mixed) with arms between the legs. This is your starting position. Keeping your chest high, push through your heels, extending the hips while breathing out. Slowly lower the weight to the starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

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Alternating Elevated Reverse Lunge

Start standing on an adjustable step with raisers, holding dumbbells at your sides. This is your starting position. Step right foot back and lower the right knee until it almost touches the floor. Pause and push through the heel of your left foot to return to starting position while breathing out. The leg on the step is the working leg. That is one rep. Switch legs, alternating for the reps in your set.

Leg Press (Foot Position High and Close)

Using a leg press machine, sit down and place your feet on the platform in front of you. Your feet should be high with minimum space between. Remove the safety bar and push the platform all the way up with your legs extended but knees not locking. This is your starting position. Lower the platform slowly towards you as you inhale. Pushing through your heels while exhaling, extend your legs to the starting position. That's one rep.

Alternating Curtsy Lunge

Start standing with, dumbbells in hands, arms extended at your sides. That is your starting position. Step right foot back, crossing it behind your left. Bend knees and lower until your right knee has almost touched the floor, keeping shoulders facing forward while breathing in. Pause, breathe out and push through the heel of your left foot to return to the starting position. The working leg is the front leg. Switch legs, alternating for the reps in your set.

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