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Olympian Chloe Kim's Trainer Shares 5 Workout Moves

How does one train like an Olympian? If you ask Nike Master TrainerMax Artsis– he works with Olympic gold medalist Chloe Kim! – it takes time, commitment, and a killer workout routine.

Artsis most recently trained the talented snowboarder andsocial media superstarahead of this weekend’s X Games. And lucky for us, Artsis demonstrated a few exercises forLivelyto help better your fitness game. Channel your inner Chloe Kim and try to make it through these fitness moves.

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Chloe Kim's Trainer Max Artsis Shares 5 Killer Workout Moves

Olympian Chloe Kim's Trainer Shares 5 Workout Moves

Side Plank + Adduction

“Ensuring we create a strong core in all three dimensions is crucial for Chloe’s success. In addition, this more advanced version of a side plank demands strength from the adductors and helps to protect her MCL.”

Olympian Chloe Kim's Trainer Shares 5 Workout Moves

Anti-Rotation Reverse Lunge

“In order to get great at creating rotation, it’s important to understand how to resist rotation. In this exercise, we focus on maintaining a rigid posture during the reverse lunge. The more energy she can store by resisting rotation, the more power she can create when allowing for it.”

Olympian Chloe Kim's Trainer Shares 5 Workout Moves

Plank Drag Through

“Similar to the last exercise, but in a different plane of motion, the goal here is to square the hips and maintain a strong core throughout the movement.”

Olympian Chloe Kim's Trainer Shares 5 Workout Moves

Low to High Woodchop

“Now it’s time to rotate! This exercise allows us to create power in the rotational plane, and more specifically, vertical power while rotating.”

Olympian Chloe Kim's Trainer Shares 5 Workout Moves

Trap Bar Deadlift

“I believe that this exercise should be a staple in every single athlete’s program. How it is utilized may be specific, but its existence should be universal. The trap bar is one of the best ways for athletes to deadlift.”

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