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How Dogpound Trainer Emily Samuel Overcomes A Workout Rut

Even fitness trainers experience workout ruts. Lively recently caught up with Dogpound trainer Emily Samuel (@emilyy_fitness on Instagram) who shared her tips for combatting those feelings, the quote she lives by and her favorite collagen product. Keep reading for the full Q&A.

Lively Interview with Dogpound Trainer Emily Samuel

How Dogpound Trainer Emily Samuel Overcomes a Workout Rut

Lively: What does a typical day look like for you now?

Emily Samuel: On a typical day, I get up around 6 a.m. and make myself some coffee! I plan on the workouts for the clients that I train that day as well as what content I’ll be making.

L: We love your workouts! Is there one you’re currently obsessed with?

ES: Thank you! No particular workout - but I love anything that’s going to get my heart rate to skyrocket ... or anything I can really feel target my core and booty.

L: Working out at home can get old real fast – what do you recommend others do to spice things up?

ES: Try different workouts and stick with the ones you find the most fun. Definitely change it up a bit. Maybe focus on cardio one day, more strengthening another, HIIT the next, mobility the day after ... etc. There’s a plethora of workouts available online at the moment, so there’s endless possibilities to try!

L: How do you overcome a workout rut?

ES: Get inspired – maybe check out new fun workouts to try. Put on a workout outfit that makes you feel cute and motivated to run around the block and show everyone. Watching other people crush it on Instagram is one way that helps me stay motivated. I get bored easily, so I try and make a game out of whatever workout I’m doing. For example, if I time myself on how many burpees, I can do the first round, I’m going to try and beat that time the next round.

How Dogpound Trainer Emily Samuel Overcomes a Workout Rut

L: Is there a quote you live by that keeps you going on the most stressful days?

ES: “When the tide turns against you, and the current upsets your boat, don’t waste your tears on what could have been... just lay on your back and float.”

That was my uncle’s favorite and something I can relate to. I get upset when things happen that are out of my control. This reminds me to just sometimes say “screw it” and just go with the flow and appreciate the good.

L: We know you’re a fan of Vital Proteins®! Can you share what your collagen routine looks like?

ES: I usually take a scoop of Vital Proteins® Collagen Peptides and throw it in my post-workout protein shake!

L: What’s your favorite Vital Proteins® product and why?

ES: At the moment, I’m a fan of Vital Proteins Vitality™ Immune Booster** for obvious reasons.

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