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Your Vital Guide To HIIT Workouts

Known in fitness circles as the most effective workout for those short on time or who only work out a few times a week, you've likely heard of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts. They're a great way to get your heart pumping and get in a full-body workout.

Another key for optimizing your workouts when you don't have long to get them in — go in with a plan. So, we've provided you with options for HIIT workouts ranging from 10 to 30 minutes and even those you can do at home. So, pick your favorite and get sweating! And, you might be wondering how much HIIT is too much?

Remember, everyone's fitness levels are different so be sure to take your goals into consideration. A good rule of thumb is to stick to one to three HIIT workouts per week. If you're ever feeling pain or discomfort during your workouts, you should stop immediately and get checked out by your doctor.

HIIT workout guide

Your Guide To HIIT Workouts

Feel Your Strongest With These 10-Minute At-Home Workouts

Have Only 20 Minutes To Work Out? We've Got You Covered

Feel Stronger With These 30 Minute Workouts

A 30-Minute HIIT Workout That Will Get Your Heart Pumping

Looking For A New Summer Exercise Routine? Try A HIIT Pool Workout

HIIT At Home

While most of the above workouts can be adapted to be done at home depending on what equipment you have available, the workouts below are already created for your at-home sweat session.

Yes You Can Squeeze In A Solid HIIT Workout At Home — Here are 2 To Try

Short On Time? Fire Up Your Muscles With This 15-Minute Full Body Workout

Crush Your Fitness Goals With This Home Workout Plan

Fuel Your HIIT Workouts With Vital Performance™