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4 Outdoor Workouts You'll Actually Want To Do This Fall

Fall is my favorite season and is an ideal time of year to take your training outdoors.

Before beginning any of the workouts below, ensure that you are properly warmed up and ready for the strenuous work ahead. After completing any of these outdoor workouts, cool down, stretch and get enough hydration.

The temperatures may be cooler this time of the year, but it is still vital to have water on hand to drink during your training. [Editor’s note: We suggest reaching for Vital Proteins Collagen Water™!]

Ready, set, get strong!

Outdoor Workout 1: Combinations

You can use a park bench or any elevated surface for the first two exercise combinations.

Perform both exercises in a row before taking a break.

Bulgarian Split Squat

3 sets of 15 reps

w/ Bulgarian Split Squat Plyos: 3 sets of 15 reps

Alternating Step Ups

3 sets of 30 reps

w/ Alternating Step Up Plyos: 3 sets of 30 reps

Stationary Lunge

3 sets of 15 reps

w/ Stationary Lunge Plyos: 3 sets of 15 reps

Alternating Forward Lunges

3 sets of 30 reps

w/ Jump Lunges: 3 sets of 30 reps

outdoor workouts

How to Do This Workout

Bulgarian Split Squat: Stand away from the bench and lift your right foot back to rest toes on top of the bench. That's your starting position. With arms at your sides, lower your (back) right knee until it has almost reached the ground while breathing in. Stand back up to the starting position, focusing on pushing through the heel of your left (front) foot while breathing out. (The working leg is the front leg.) That's one rep.

Bulgarian Split Squat Plyos: Stand away from the bench and lift your right foot back to rest toes on top of the bench. That's your starting position. With arms at your sides, lower your (back) right knee until it has almost reached the ground while breathing in. Explode into the air, driving through your left heel while breathing out. Land softly and repeat. That is one rep.

Alternating Step Ups: Stand in front of the bench with arms at your sides. That is your starting position. Step onto the bench with your left foot. Pushing through the heel, rise up so that both the left and right foot are on the bench. Lower back to the starting position. That is one rep. You'll repeat this, leading with the right leg and alternating legs for the set.

RELATED: 3 Treadmill Workouts for Every Type of Schedule

Plyo Step Ups: Stand in front of the bench with arms at your sides. That is your starting position. Step onto the bench with your left foot. Explode into the air, driving through your left heel, swinging arms and switching leg position midair. Land softly with the right foot on the bench and left foot on the ground. That is one rep. Repeat movement, swinging arms as you switch legs midair to land with opposite foot on the bench.

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Stationary Lunges: Stand with your feet side by side. Take a large step forward with your left leg. This is your starting position. Lower until the right knee almost touches the ground and your left thigh is parallel to the ground, while breathing in. Pushing through the heel of your left foot, stand back up to the starting position. That is one rep.

Stationary Lunge Plyos: Stand with your feet side by side. Take a large step forward with your left leg. That is your starting position. Lower until the right knee almost touches the ground and your left thigh is parallel to the ground. Explode into the air, driving through your left heel. Land softly in full lunge position, with left (front) knee bent and the right (back) knee close to the ground. That is one rep.

Alternating Forward Lunges: Start standing feet beside each other and arms at your sides. This is your starting position. Step forward with left foot and lower the right knee until it is nearly touching the ground, breathing in. (The working leg is the front leg.) Pushing through the heel of your left foot, return to the starting position while breathing out. That is one rep. You'll repeat this leading with the right leg and alternating legs for the set.

Jump Lunges: Start in a lunge position, back knee nearly touching the floor. Jump, swinging arms as you switch leg position midair to land with opposite leg in front. Make sure to land in a full lunge position, with the front knee bent and the back knee almost to the floor. That is one rep. Repeat movement, swinging arms as you switch leg position midair to land with opposite leg in front.

Outdoor Workout: Monkey Bars

It should be noted that bands may be used to remove some body weight if needed on certain exercises below.

Hand Over Hand

3 sets of 50 reps

Chest Dips

3 sets of 15 reps

Medium Grip Pull-Up

3 sets of 15 reps

Hanging Leg Raises

3 sets of 15

Windshield Wipers

3 sets of 15 reps

monkey bars outdoor workouts

How to Do This Workout

Hand Over Hand: Begin hanging from the bars with left hand on rung 1 and right hand on rung 2. Palms will be facing forward throughout the exercise. Move your left hand from rung 1 to rung 3, then move your right hand from rung 2 to rung 4 and so on. Each time you grasp a new bar is one rep.

Chest Dips: Start in a perpendicular position to the bar with your hands-on parallel rungs. Pull yourself up and over the bars. That is your starting position. Slowly yourself while leaning forward at approximately a 30-degree angle, flaring the elbows slightly while you breathe in. using your chest, return to the starting while breathing out. That is one rep.

Medium Grip Pull-Up: Start with your hands on the bar approximately shoulder width apart and your palms facing forward. With arms extended above you, stick chest out and curve your back slightly. That is your starting position. Pull yourself up towards the bar using your back until the bar is at chest level while breathing out. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

Hanging Leg Raises: Place your hands on the bar, shoulder-width apart, palms facing forward, and arms extended above you. That is your starting position. Raise your knees to your elbows while breathing out. Pause, then slower lower back down to the starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

Windshield Wipers: Place your hands on the bar, shoulder width apart, palms facing forward, and arms extended above you. Raise your legs up approximately 3/4 of the way to the bar. That is your starting position. Move your legs to the left in a slow and controlled movement and then move the legs all the way to your right. That is one rep.

RELATED: Here's How to Do One Arm Push Ups

Outdoor Workout 3:Suspension Trainer

Pushup with Pike

3 sets of 15 reps

Single Arm Suspension Row

3 sets of 15 reps

Y Shoulder Fly

3 sets of 15 reps

Triceps Extension

3 sets of 15 reps

Bicep Curl

3 sets of 15 reps

suspension trainer outdoor workouts

How to Do This Workout

Pushup with Pike: Hook your toes through the stirrups with top of feet facing the ground. Place your hands on the ground getting into a full high plank position. That is your starting position. Bend at the elbows lowering your chest to the ground while breathing in. Return to the starting position pushing through your chest while breathing out. Lift your hips high, keeping the legs straight until you are in an inverted "V" position. Pause then return slowly to the starting position. That is one rep.

Single Arm Suspension Row: Hold the left handle in your left arm in front of you and face the anchor point. Lean back until your body weight is in your heels with your left arm extended and left hand in the neutral position, palm facing the body. That is your starting position. Bend your left elbow, keeping it close to the body as you pull yourself up towards your hand while breathing out. Return slowly to the starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

Y Shoulder Fly: Hold the handles facing the anchor point. Place your feet forward and lean back towards the ground with arms extended in front of you. That is your starting position. Pull yourself forward as your arms raise above your head forming approximately a 45-degree angle into a "Y". Slowly yourself back to the starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

Triceps Extension: Hold the handles with palms facing forward and back facing the anchor point. Place your hands overhead and bend 90 degrees at the elbows while leaning forward. This is your starting position. Push your body away from the arms using your triceps, straightening at the elbow while breathing out. Slowly lower to the starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

Bicep Curl: Hold the handles and face the anchor point. Lean back, with arms above your shoulders bent at the elbow. Your palms should be facing you. That is your starting position. Slowly yourself back until your arms are straight while breathing in. Using your biceps, curl and return to the starting position while breathing out. That is one rep.

RELATED: The Best Total Body Workout

Outdoor Workout 4: Steady State Cardio

Work at a steady, constant intensity for the entire workout. It should be a workout, not a casual stroll in the park. It should be challenging enough that you're not able to speak in sentences (or belt out the full lyrics on your playlist) but not so challenging that you can’t hold your effort the entire workout. Adjust duration time for your fitness level and schedule availability.

outdoor workouts running

5 Cardio Ideas to Bust You Out of the Gym

  1. Take your treadmill workout outdoors and enjoy running with a view.
  2. Meet a few friends and head out for a bike ride.
  3. Take your skipping rope to the park.
  4. Run stairs. Many towns/cities have stairs outdoors in the park. Google search your area and find a fun spot.
  5. My personal outdoor favorite fall cardio is continuous walking lunges. This is better suited for someone that is relatively fit. To further increase difficulty the lunges can be performed on a slight incline/uphill.

How to Do These Exercises

Walking Lunges: Start standing with hands at your sides, arms extended. Step forward with your left foot and lower the right knee until it is nearly touching the ground. Pushing through the heel of your left foot, step right leg forward, passing the left foot and landing far in front of you.

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