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Feel The Burn With These Resistance Band Exercises

Resistance bands are one often overlooked piece of equipment that you need to add to your home gym (or use them at the gym). Here's why: They are affordable and come in a variety of sizes and strengths to add take all sorts of exercises to a much more difficult level. They are lightweight and portable, so you can get your workout in anywhere, from your hotel room to your office space.

Vital Note: This article has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Your licensed healthcare professional can best provide you with the diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition and assist you as well in deciding whether a dietary supplement will be a helpful addition to your regimen.

resistance band exercises

Do resistance band workouts really work?

Yes. Resistance band workouts can target small muscles and large muscle groups. They are a great way to add more and build strength. Another added benefit is that they are affordable, portable and can make your at-home workouts more challenging.

What exercises can you do with resistance bands?

Resistance bands are a super versatile piece of equipment. There are so many moves you can do to target each muscle. You can use them to up the difficulty of your bodyweight workouts. You can hit everything from your arms, chest, back, core and more with resistance band exercises. Below are some of my favorite resistance band exercises you may want to add to your workouts, each designed to target a specific muscle group.

Chest: Resistance Band Chest Press

Loop the band securely behind you. Start in a staggered stance, place your hands into the handles, palms facing the floor, arms straight out at your sides and your elbows bent at 90 degrees. This is your starting position. Using your chest, slowly press the handles forward in front of you, straightening your arms while breathing out. Then slowly bend your elbows bringing the handles back out to your sides while breathing in. That is one rep.

Back: Resistance Band Lat Pulldown

Loop the band securely over an anchor above you. Facing the anchor, place your hands into the handles and kneel down onto the ground. Start with your torso upright, extend your arms towards the ceiling. Pull the handles down and out to shoulder level while breathing out and squeezing your back. Slowly return to the starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

Legs: Resistance Band Squat

Start standing on the band with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Place your hands into the handles bringing them over your shoulders. Bending at the knees, lower your body pushing your hips back while breathing in. Pushing through your heels, lift the body back to the starting position while breathing out. That is one rep.

Legs: Resistance Band Stationary Lunge

Start standing with left foot on the band. Keep your left leg forward and right leg behind you. Place your hands into the handles and bring them over your shoulders. Lower the right knee until it almost touches the ground while breathing in. Pushing through the heel of your left foot (this is the working leg) return to the starting position while breathing out. That is one rep.

resistance band workouts

Biceps: Resistance Band Biceps Curl

Begin by standing on the band with feet hip-width apart. Place your hands into the handles with your palms facing forward. Curl the handles toward the shoulders, bending the elbows and keeping the elbows close to the body as you breathe out. Pause and lower to the starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

Triceps: Band Overhead Tricep Extension

Start standing on the band hip-width distance apart and place your hands into the handles. Pull the handles up over your head until the arms are extended, palms facing forward. Keeping your elbows in and arms tucked near your head, lower the handles behind you while breathing in until your forearms and biceps make contact. The upper arm should not move. Return to the starting position while breathing out. That is one rep.

Shoulders: Band Shoulder Press

Start standing on the band with feet hip-width distance apart and place your hands into the handles. Raise the handles above shoulder level, palms facing forward. Lift the handles overhead until your arms are fully extended, while breathing out. Pause and lower the handles back to the starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

Abs: Band Plank Jack

Loop the resistance band around both ankles and get into a high plank position with body in a straight line, hips lifted and feet together. Jump both feet out to your sides while breathing out. Pause, and then hop both feet back together to your starting position while breathing in. That is one rep.

Fuel Your Resistance Band Workouts with Vital Performance™