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A Cycling Instructor Reveals What She Always Keeps in Her Gym Bag

Sarah McGill (@sarahfmcgill on Instagram) is a marketing coordinator in the natural & organic food industry by day and an indoor cycling instructor by night. She’s obsessed with all things wellness, beauty and Bravo TV. Here, she shares what she always carries in her gym bag.

I am always on the run between my marketing job during the day and teaching CycleBar classes at night, so I always keep my gym bag packed and ready to go for class. See what I keep in my gym bag at all times below.

whats in my gym bag

Cute Workout Gear

When you feel good in what you’re wearing it shows! So, having some workout clothes that you love is an easy way to get motivated for a class. I always wear my favorite pair of Tiem cycling shoes to class and they instantly perk up my ensemble.


Listening to motivating music before I teach helps prepare me for class, so I don’t go anywhere without my headphones!

RELATED:Trainer Nick Ralich's Workout Essentials


This is an absolute must! Rehydrating before, during, and after a workout with water is key to replenishing electrolytes. I love addingVital Proteins Collagen Peptidesto my water for added health benefits like stronger hair, skin, nails, and joints. Need something you can quickly grab on the go? TryCollagen Water, which provides 10g of collagen, is made with real fruit juice, and contains 3g of sugar of less.

Dry Shampoo

Usually when you finish a class, you walk out sweaty and ready for a shower. However, if you don’t have time to wash your hair, dry shampoo is a lifesaver! With just a few spritz, your hair becomes easier to style.

Pre- or Post-Workout Snack

My go-to snack before or after teaching class is homemade Cashew Butter Collagen Energy Bites. They’re filled with healthy fats, protein, and complex carbohydrates. I don’t follow a certain recipe, but here is what I usually do:

Cashew Butter Collagen Energy Bites


  • 1 C cashew butter
  • 1 scoop Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • 1 T chia seeds
  • 1 T flax seeds
  • 2 T raw honey (can substitute with raw maple syrup or agave)


  1. Mix ingredients together in 1 bowl, scoop out a spoonful and roll into a ball shape.
  2. Put cashew balls in fridge to harden and enjoy!

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