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Trainer Haley Shaw Shares Her Spring Workout Essentials

By: Haley Shaw

Haley Shaw is a wellness specialist and public speaker for her company, Amp Up Fitness. Here, she reveals the workout essentials she’s loving for spring.

We’re finally experiencing a breath of fresh air as we welcome spring. With a new season comes warmer weather and a desire to spend every waking hour basking in the sun. I love this time of year! As someone who is passionate about wellness, I very much associate spring with outdoor workouts and cute fitness gear (sans all the winter layers). I call these my workout essentials – gym must-haves that help to elevate my sweat sessions. Find out what else landed a spot on my spring workout essentials list below. You might even want to start implementing these in your own routine today!

Always Dress to Impress

Hey, you deserve it! Buy that workout outfit you’ve been eyeing all winter long. It’s time to finally show off all your winter gains. What did I end up treating myself to after a very long winter? I bought patterned pants to wear both in and out of the gym, a cute workout tank, and white gym shoes for street and cross training wear.

RELATED: 10 Workout Essentials That Will Inspire You to Hit the Gym

Get Your Pre- and Post-Workout Fuel

Since my workouts take place early morning before work or right before dinner time, I don’t eat a huge meal before I hit the gym. My morning routine consists of a Starbucks run for a venti-sized coffee mixed with Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides. Typically, after my workout, I head to a client meeting, and will grab my pre-made protein pancakes made with Vital Proteins Collagen Whey, or a full meal if I’m able to cook at home.

Sweat It Out with Friends

Solo workouts are great, but sometimes getting a workout in with a friend is needed. I promised myself in 2018 to exercise at least once a week with a friend or two. Think about how much easier it would be to wake up for that early-morning fitness class if you’ve already committed to attending with your BFF. Already have a workout buddy? Awesome! If you’re looking for a change, grab your phone right now, and text one of your friends. See if he or she would like to accompany you to the gym as a guest or find a cool new fitness class you’ve been dying to try – and sign up together! This has changed my relationships for the best, and I highly recommend everyone to try it out. You won’t regret it!

RELATED:A Tough Workout Routine You'll Want to Conquer with Your BFF

To wrap up, nutrition is always key. Knowing what to eat both before and after workouts can make or break your results. That is why I always hydrate before my sweat sessions and stay fueled after with a post-workout shake or nutritionally balanced meal at home. With that said, don’t forget to also dress in style. Feeling good in cute workout gear will supply you with a boost in motivation to keep coming to the gym.

Tell us: What’s on your list of workout essentials for spring?

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