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Actress & Model Charlotte McKinney On Collagen & Wellness From Home

Welcome to Behind The Glow,Lively's new series spotlighting Hollywood's amazing stars, stylists & more as they celebrate notable achievements and cool career moments.

You may have first seen the beautiful Charlotte McKinney on the famous Carl’s JR Super Bowl Ad nearly five years ago. However, since then, the actress and model has gained massive popularity on social media and on set for various projects. We were fortunate enough to catch up with McKinney to explore life beyond the 'gram grid,discussing her years-long involvement with nonprofitBest Buddies International, how she's staying motivated during quarantine and her advice for others. Plus, we even managed to get her to share her very favorite Vital Proteins® product (okay, maybe there's more than one!).

Keeping scrolling for Lively's exclusive interview with the star that will leave you feeling inspired to do more during this unprecedented time.

Lively: Charlotte, we're so happy to have you with us! We love that you're involved with Best Buddies. Why is this organization so special to you?

Charlotte McKinney:I’ve been involved with Best Buddies since I was a teenager and the organization holds a really special place in my life. My friendships with the buddies are what get me through some days, so see their smiling faces can’t help but put a big smile on your own face. I do what I can to support the organization, it’s been really fun! I’ve done everything from attending a Prom as Samuel’s date, hosted yoga classes, beauty events — the list goes on. Can’t wait to see what else we do together!

L: Switching gears to you. What has been your favorite project you've worked on to date? Is there anything coming down the pipeline you're excited about?

CT:I have to say it, my favorite project has to be the Carl’s JR Super Bowl Ad. That really started my whole career, so I’m forever grateful for the opportunity and all the doors it opened for me professionally. What I’m most excited about in the pipeline is this awesome indie film called The Argument. I love being on set, and this was with a director I really admire [Robert Schwartzman], so I’m excited for this film to be released.

L: For someone who looks up to you and is inspired by you, what advice would you give them on working in the entertainment industry, or pursuing goals in general?

CT:Never give up. No matter how many no’s or roadblocks you hit, just keep pushing through. That’s what I tell myself every day.

L: Obviously, routines look differently during quarantine. How are you practicing #wellnessfromhome?

CT: Wellness is a really important component of my daily routine. I love looking after my health, so I’m basically trying to mimic my typical day but now in the safety of my own home.

First things first, always coffee! I can’t hit my usual spot, Blue Bottle, currently, but I purchased their at-home coffee kit online and I must say I make a pretty decent oak milk latte. My secret is a little tablespoon of the Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides. Keeping up with my daily workouts is essential. I moved my apartment around, and made my spare bedroom into a mini gym, and added a trampoline. I like to keep my meals light, so lots of salads and veggies.

For an energy boost around midday, I make myself a delicious matcha smoothie using the Vital Protein Matcha Collagen Latte mix. I’m also pretty obsessed with my dry brush from goop. I use it daily before I shower or bath. And most days, I’ll make myself a warm bath full of Epsom salts to unwind. Oh, and I’m never NOT in a face mask. My go-to is Dr. Barbara Strum’s Face Mask and the Dennis Gross FaceWare Pro.

L: Are there any go-to products or practices you reach for to get yourself out of a funk and keep your motivation up?

CT:I think we have all been running into a few funks during quarantine. It’s been harder than normal to find motivation, for me anyway. What I’ve found that works best for me (all year round, but especially during COVID-19), is to spend time practicing gratitude. After my workouts or first thing in the morning when I wake up, I spend around 5 minutes giving thanks to everything I’m so lucky to have in my life, especially health for my friends and family.

L: Lastly, we'd be remiss not to ask — what's you're favorite Vital Proteins product and how do you incorporate it into your routine?

CT:Oh, don’t make me choose. I have two: the Vital Protein Matcha Collagen Latte and the Original Collagen Peptides, which I add into my coffee. I also love the Collagen Peptides Stick Packs, as they are great when I’m on the road or have long workdays on set.

Thanks, Charlotte!


To up the glow factor in May through June 10, Vital Proteins will be gifting 2 Lavender Lemon Beauty Collagen™ canisters (one for you and one for a loved one!) with every $25+ donation made at