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October Guest Editor Lauren Gleisberg's Advice for New Moms

Every month, we introduce a new Guest Editor to share his or her musings on wellness, beauty, lifestyle and beyond. This month, we invited wellness guru and mama Lauren Gleisberg to take part. Find out what first inspired her to hit the gym, the mantra she lives by, the Vital Proteins products she can't live without and more. Plus, keep an eye out for her two blog posts on Lively later this week!

Lively's Interview with Lauren Gleisberg

lauren gleisberg

Lively: You were once a self-proclaimed “cardio bunny” and now you’re a big fan of strength training – when and how did your mindset change?

Lauren Gleisberg: My very first fitness goal was: ABS! In high school, I remember googling “how to get abs.” From the very beginning, I wanted to look and feel strong.

I joined a gym, but the only equipment I knew how to use were the cardio machines, so that’s where I started. At this time, women weren’t really lifting weights like they are now or at least you didn’t see it as often. This was also the pre-Instagram era… you couldn’t just hashtag weight lifting and view thousands of demonstration videos.

I enjoy my cardio workouts, but after about a year of doing that, I became a bit bored. I also never reached my physical goals, so it felt discouraging.

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My then-boyfriend, now-husband was the first one who suggested I lift weights with him. He showed me the basics and it instantly became my thing. I felt so strong simply being in the weighted section and lifting weights.

Around this time, I began my pre-med journey in college. There were so many crossovers between what I was learning in those Biology and Anatomy/Physiology classes and in what I was doing in the gym. My a-ha moment was learning about the human body and then being able to apply it in the gym. I realized that weight training was the route to building muscle.

I would share all this science-based information with my girlfriends. I would write workouts for not only myself but also many of them.

Weight training totally became my passion. So much so, that I eventually gave up my seat in a DDS program to make it my job – starting a fitness brand and community that is now much greater than myself.

lauren gleisberg workouts

L: How has healthy living changed your life?

LG: Like many, I began working out to improve my body. In the process, I became a happier and more confident version of myself. Healthy living helps me maintain a positive mindset and reduce day-to-day stress and anxiety. The physical results are secondary in comparison to the inner results I have developed from this lifestyle. It is my mission to help women feel the same: using healthy living as a foundation to lead lives they absolutely love.

L: How has your interest in wellness changed since becoming a mom?

LG: I am a mom to two boys: Leo (2 years old) and Beckham (7 months old) and since having them, my mindset towards wellness has completely transformed. Exercising after babies is a brand-new ball game and I’ve learned to adjust.

As a mom, I give so much of my energy to my kids. Fitness is an opportunity for me to take time for myself. It’s also a huge stress-reliever. There are many days that don’t go as planned. There are many workouts that get missed. And, that’s okay.

I would encourage other mamas, especially new moms, to keep your eyes focused forward. Don’t worry about getting your pre-baby body back. You’re not that same woman anymore. You’re a superwoman whose body created, carried and delivered a baby. As a mom, I like to use fitness to create an entirely new and stronger version of myself from the inside out. I always tell other moms, “You will reach your goals but if you do so by loving and appreciating your body, you’re going to enjoy the process a whole lot more!”

lauren gleisberg kids

L: How do you teach your kids to incorporate healthy eating?

LG: We are already starting healthy eating habits with our 2-year-old son Leo. He would snack all day long if we let him, so we make it a habit to cook and eat together. Leo cooks at the island while we cook on the stove. Then, we sit down at the table for meals together. I’ve discovered that the more routine and fun I can make it, the better. Eating a healthy meal is just normal to him because that’s what we do.

I think the best thing I can do for my kids is to lead by example. We have a gym set up in our garage and my 2-year-old will play out there while we workout. He already imitates us lifting and he says, “Mama work out. Mama strong.”

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L: Is there a mantra or quote you live by?

LG: “Either the day runs you or you run the day.” - Jim Rohn. I love the reminder that I am in control of making my day great.

L: What makes you the most excited about being our Guest Editor?

LG: It’s such an honor! I’ve built my healthy lifestyle accumulating practical tips and tricks and applying them to my life. It’s an honor to be asked to share some of mine, especially by a brand I’ve used and loved for years.

L: And lastly, we have to ask: What is your favorite Vital Proteins product and how do you use it?

LG: My absolute favorite Vital Proteins product is the Strawberry Lemon Beauty Collagen. I mix two scoops of the collagen powder with water and I add a few drops of liquid lemon Stevia (because I’m such a sweets person). I pour it over ice and I sip on it every afternoon… along with 1 dark chocolate caramel. It’s like my treat to beat the afternoon slump!

Photos: Courtesy of Lauren Gleisberg