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Empty Collagen Tub? Here’s How To Reuse It, According To My Mom

Grace Gavilanes is the Senior Editorial Manager at Vital Proteins®. Here, she writes about one of the most important lessons her mom ever taught her: How to repurpose collagen canisters.

I am forever indebted to my parents for a lot of things. They showed me the importance of working hard, treating others with respect – and how to properly repurpose Original Collagen Peptides canisters. All equally important lessons, of course.

The latter is a skill I didn’t realize I would need until I started working at Vital Proteins, where I’ve spent the last two years trying new innovations, including some classic collagen offerings I still find myself going back to time and time again. (Matcha Collagen FTW!) But what happens after the last scoop? Recycling is a given, but when you grow up in a Latinx family, you take it one step further.

The first-generation Latinx community often jokes of their immigrant parents’ sustainability efforts. Butter tubs and cookie tins are blessed with second lives by housing all sorts of unrelated household items, like sewing kits and legumes. And if you ask my mami, our Collagen Peptides canisters are no exception to this unspoken rule.

Claro que los voy usar de nuevo,” my mom told me when I asked her if she was planning on reusing the empty blue tubs. Of course I’m going to use them again.

My parents are big Vital Proteins fans and add collagen to their coffee every day without fail, which means they go through a lot of collagen tubs. But my mom still makes it a point to repurpose them in her kitchen. She now fills them up with flour, sugar, dry beans and more, as you can see in the picture below.

repurpose collagen tubs

It’s pretty inspiring and gets me excited for my next shipment to arrive – not only for the collagen benefits, but because I really need a place to store all my new serums.

Tell us: Do you repurpose your empty collagen tubs? If so, how?

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