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Celebrity Stylist Jamie Mizrahi’s No. 1 Tip: 'Don’t Follow Trends'

Welcome to Behind The Glow, Lively's new series spotlighting Hollywood's amazing stars, stylists & more as they celebrate notable achievements and cool career moments.


Celebrity stylist Jamie Mizrahi boasts a roster of A-list clients – from Katy Perry to Nicole Richie to Jessica Alba – that she’s regularly dressed for high-profile events through the years. These celebs may make a splash on all the best-dressed lists with their expertly curated outfits, but The Kit founder still maintains a straightforward state of mind when it comes to perfecting one's style. “Don’t follow trends,” says Mizrahi, adding: "Do wear what makes you feel confident and comfortable."

(It really is that simple, huh?)

Lively was lucky enough to nab a few minutes with the sartorial superstar and visionary behind many of your favorite red-carpet ensembles. From the quote she lives by to her favorite collagen product, see what Mizrahi had to say in our Q&A below.

Lively: You’ve styled celebs for huge events like the Vanity Fair Oscars Party – super exciting! What does a typical day during awards season or Fashion Week look like for you?

Jamie Mizrahi: Every day is very different depending on who I'm dressing and what time they're getting ready... normally everything is prepped way in advance and my assistants and I have a run of schedule. We always want to make sure we are super organized because things always go awry so we want to go into the day super, super planned!

jamie mizrahi

L: You’ve dressed so many amazing celebs – is there someone who’s taught YOU something new about styling?

JM: Every single person I've dressed has taught me something new. The fact that everyone has different styles and bodies is enough to constantly be teaching me new things about dressing women.

L: How do you find inspiration or spark creativity when you’re feeling uninspired?

JM: I travel, I go to an art gallery, I walk around the block, I look at coffee table books and other visual references on Pinterest, etc.

L: Do you have an ultimate styling or fashion DO & DON’T you wish more people would know about?

JM: Don't follow trends - do wear what makes you feel confident and comfortable.

jamie mizrahi

L: Is there a quote you live by that keeps you going on the most stressful days?

JM: Stay in your own lane.

L: With such a hectic work schedule (especially during major events!), how do you make time for self-care?

JM: It's very hard – especially with a kid. Let's just say I’m lucky if I get a manicure once a month!

L: We know you’re a fan of Vital Proteins! Can you share what your collagen routine looks like?

JM: I love Vital Proteins in my smoothies first thing in the A.M., I also like to put it in my coffee!

L: What’s your favorite Vital Proteins product and why?

JM: The Collagen Peptides! So versatile and easy to use, I add it to my coffee or smoothies, etc.

collagen peptides