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Visual Artist Tyler Babin on Shaking Feelings of Doubt & Uncertainty

To kick off the new decade (hello, 2020!) and the launch of Vital Proteins' new Collagen Bars™, we’re unveiling a new series called “How I'm Raising the Bar.” Here, we feature inspiring individuals who are striving to hit new goals, maintain old ones and become their best selves in the new year.

Today, we’re highlighting visual artist Tyler Babin. The Florida native is best known for creating video content for his former boss, Gary Vaynerchuck, with whom he’s traveled all over the world for career-making projects. Now, Babin is a Creative Resident at Adobe, where he’s perfecting his craft and documenting his creations on Instagram.

Keep reading to find out more about his journey, his 2020 resolution and his go-to collagen product.

tyler babin

Lively: Thanks for chatting with us, Tyler! Tell us about how you got to where you are.

Tyler Babin: I grew up in a small town in Florida and was always drawn to cameras. It started as me running around my neighborhood filming my friends skateboarding, followed by making YouTube videos of myself doing magic tricks. Somehow 10 years later, I found myself working in New York City for Gary Vaynerchuk where I was most recently up until a year ago when I became an Adobe Resident.

L: What about your current career makes you the most proud?

TB: I’m really passionate about telling stories and providing a spotlight on up-and-coming creators that I look up to. Considering where I started it’s still mind blowing to me that I get to make videos as my career.

L: Now that we know more about you, tell us about your resolution. Why are you pursuing this particular goal?

TB:Prioritizing health and living in the moment are my biggest priorities for 2020. Working as a creative in NYC I can easily work 60-70 hours a week and looking back, the last few years have felt like a blur so making intentional decisions about when I’m working, how I’m working and why I’m doing the things I'm doing will all build into helping me work in health into my daily routine more and more.

tyler babin instagram

L: What products, tools or people will make you successful in achieving this?

TB:For productivity, I’m all in on my Google calendar and a web app called Notion, even though organization isn’t the sexiest of topics I do think it's super important for maximizing and staying on track of the goals I’ve set out. For me it’s making sure that time to be healthy is baked into my calendar and that I’m surrounded by the healthiest choices. For instance, right now the pantry is full ofVital Proteins Collagen Bars™ and the fridge hasVital Proteins Collagen Shots.

L: How do you shake feelings of doubt or uncertainty you might face along the way?

TB: I can get frustrated often with figuring out the baby steps that get me from point A to point B and it ends up making it harder to move forward. I’ve picked up running again because it physically helps me move from one point to the other which ends up unlocking a lot for me mentally. When it’s not about getting physical, I try to brain dump into a journal to see if that can help me find a thread for my thoughts.

L: What do you believe are the biggest obstacles people face when setting their resolutions?

TB:Not setting things that are realistic to your lifestyle. I think it should never be about doing things that are based on what other people’s expectations of you are, but instead about being honest with yourself and starting there.

tyler babin

L: What advice would you give to someone looking to make big changes in the new year?

TB: Break up the year into quarters and have specific goals for each quarter and structure your goals so that they build momentum throughout the year. Breaking it down this way makes it more manageable to upkeep but also more manageable to start.

L: Lastly, what does “Raising the Bar in 2020” look like for you?

TB: It means breaking into new realms of creativity I haven’t tapped into before but all without losing sight of who I am and what I want to create.

Rapid Fire Questions

What's your favorite Vital Proteins product and why?

TheVital Proteins Defense Collagen Shot. I take it after my workout for a nice boost to my routine.

What quote/mantra do you live by?

“The obstacle is the way” is a stoic belief I live by.

How do you like to unwind?

Watching Netflix with my girlfriend or walking through the city.

Your favorite travel destination?

Los Angeles, domestically. My favorite place in the world, though, is Spain.