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Sweeter Mornings Begin With This Cherry Crumble Pie

A homemade breakfast crumble always makes the house smell warm and delicious. I particularly love to enjoy a warm crumble full of fresh and local fruit. In Canada, we only get cherries for a few months of the year, so it is such an amazing gift when our house is full of cherries and we get to indulge in some delicious cherry treats. But this dessert is also festive enough to be enjoyed year-round. (You just might have to pick up some frozen cherries if they are not in season near you.)

My favorite part about this Cherry Crumble Pie is that it is completely made without gluten and refined-sugar free, making it a perfect way to start your day without a sugar rush. I have only baked this recipe in the oven, but I can imagine that it would taste delicious in a cast-iron skillet. It is soft and moist on the bottom, with crunchy almond and coconut toppings.

One thing you can't miss in this collagen recipe is the beautiful flavors that come from the Vital Proteins® Chocolate Cherry Almond Collagen Latte™ supplement ($48; shop now). It heightens the cherry flavor and blends perfectly with the coconut and almond flavor. The collagen mixes well into the dry ingredients, which makes it perfect for baking and adding to other recipes.

This amazing cherry crumble is the perfect dish to make for breakfast or an afternoon treat.

cherry crumble pie

Cherry Crumble Pie

Yields 9-12 servings



  1. Preheat oven to 350°F and line an 8x8 baking dish with parchment paper.
  2. Blend the almond butter, coconut oil, vanilla, maple syrup and cinnamon into a food processor (or pour into a bowl and whisk).
  3. Add the almond flour, collagen, half of the coconut flakes and half of the slivered almonds into the food processor and combine together. Mix for a few minutes or until well combined. Set aside 1/2 of the mix for a crumble topping.
  4. Cut up the cherries and set aside in a bowl. Press mixture into the parchment paper until flattened. Spread the cherry mixture evenly on top of the mixture.
  5. Top with leftover crumble topping, half of the coconut flakes and half of the slivered almonds.
  6. Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes or until top looks baked and browned. Set aside for 10-15 minutes to cool.
  7. Serve onto plates and enjoy!

Shop Chocolate Cherry Almond Collagen Latteâ„¢ supplement