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Have Thanksgiving Leftovers? Make These Savory Bites

LetVital Proteins®pull up a seat at your holiday table this year and give you a hand with the meal prep (and those leftovers!). Vital Proteins® Beef Bone Broth Collagen($53; shop now) is so versatile, it goes beyond just soups and stews. It also makes a great addition to your Thanksgiving dinner.

It pairs flawlessly with classic holiday dishes. Specific dishes that bone broth goes amazingly with are green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy.

And once you've enjoyed all of those tasty Thanksgiving dishes, the fun is just beginning. It's right around that time when the dessert is put away and the dishes are finally done. The opportunity to start breaking out the leftovers arises.

If your family is anything like mine, we purposely cook extra food so that there are leftovers. We've come up with the ideal way to enjoy those leftovers while you're online shopping those Black Friday deals. It's the perfect bite. The one you couldn’t master at the dinner table because your fork wasn't big enough. Good news: we've scrapped the whole fork idea and created crispy potato rounds instead. And it's literally the best bite, loaded with a taste of your favorite Thanksgiving dinner dishes.

thanksgiving leftovers

Thanksgiving Leftover Bites

Yields 20 servings

Potato Round Ingredients:

  • 3 small potatoes (I used yukon gold 2-3 inch sized potatoes)
  • 2 t avocado oil
  • Salt and pepper

Stuffing/Mashed Potato Cake Ingredients:

To assemble the bites:


  1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Line baking sheet with parchment or lightly grease.
  2. Slice potatoes until you have about 20, 1/8-inch rounds. Toss with avocado oil and season with salt and pepper to taste. Arrange on baking sheet so rounds are not touching.
  3. Bake for 25-30 minutes, flipping halfway through, until rounds are crispy and golden. Remove from oven.
  4. While potatoes are roasting, mix the stuffing, mashed potatoes, and bone broth collagen together in a large mixing bowl until combined. You may want to add more or less potatoes depending on what type of stuffing you use, in order to hold the mixture together.
  5. Heat medium-large sized pan on medium heat. Add avocado oil.
  6. Using a small cookie scoop (or tablespoon), scoop out mixture to form 1-inch cakes. Place cakes in the pan and flatten slightly.
  7. Flip cakes when golden brown. Remove from pan when both sides are browned. Repeat until all of the stuffing-potato mixture is used.

To assemble the bites:

  1. Place the stuffing-potato cakes onto the crisp potato round. Then add the 1-inch turkey pieces.
  2. Next, place 1 teaspoon of cranberry sauce on top of the turkey.
  3. Finish with a drizzle of the bone broth gravy. Can use toothpicks to help hold together, but should stay together on their own. Enjoy!

Shop Beef Bone Broth Collagen