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Let’s Talk Matcha: Health Benefits, Recipes & More

In recent years, matcha has become a hot topic among wellness enthusiasts, Instagram influencers and coffee drinkers looking for a new way to kick off their mornings. Here, we dive into what makes it so beneficial and why our own Matcha Collagen is a good option.

What Is Matcha?

To put it simply, matcha is a finely ground powdered version of green tea leaves. Matcha contains 137 times the number of antioxidants as other green teas, making it a superfood. It’s naturally caffeinated and touted as a pick-me-up. It also contains an amino acid called L-theanine, a nutrient that promotes an "alert calm" in those who consume it. Unlike other beverages, L-theanine promotes mental alertness and relaxation. It balances out the caffeine content so drinkers experience more of a steady, sustained energy rather than a quick "jolt" and eventual "crash."

benefits of matcha

Why Should I Take Matcha Collagen?

Our Matcha Collagen is sourced from high-quality Japanese green tea and grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine hide. The combination makes for something special. Collagen helps promote strong hair, skin, nails, and joints, while the addition of matcha helps to ensure maximum nutritional benefit. Our Matcha Collagen is free of added sugars, dairy, soy and gluten, and provides 10 grams of collagen per serving. Matcha and hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides aside, our Matcha Collagen is also comprised of coconut water powder. Three ingredients – that’s it!

How Do I Take It?

Similar to our other fan-favorite products, our Matcha Collagen is versatile. Pour some hot water into a mug and a scoop of our Collagen Creamers for an a.m. or mid-afternoon latte. If you’re looking for a more filling breakfast, add a scoop of our Matcha Collagen to your pancake batter. But if you’re looking to satisfy your sweet tooth, you may want to consider our recipe for Matcha Mint Chip Macaroons, which are no-bake and contain less than 10 ingredients.

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