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6 Wellness Trends Bella Edwards Is Loving Right Now

By: Bella Edwards

Wellness guru Bella Edwards (check her out @bellaeatwards on Instagram) shared her favorite wellness trends with Lively. Find out how she lives a healthier, happier life here.

The Coolest Wellness Trends, According to Bella Edwards

morning run

1. Morning Workouts

There’s nothing better than waking up with the sun and getting your sweat on! Ever since I started working full-time, I realized I had to create space and time for working out. Working out in the morning energizes me for the day, gives me that endorphin rush I need and frees up my evening, so I can do what I please after work.

healthy balance

2. Finding a Healthy Balance

This is a tough one. They don’t call it the “art of balance” for nothing; it’s really hard! What helps me is planning ahead and staying on top of things. I’m talking grocery shopping for healthy snacks and meals, booking workout classes, allocating an hour of my day to movement – things like that! I make sure to bring my own snacks and lunches, so I have healthy options throughout the day. My rule of thumb is if it’s a priority, you’ll make it happen.

collagen water

3. Staying Hydrated

It’s so important to stay hydration and Vital Proteins Collagen Water helps with that. The new collagen drink is made with the juice of real fruit, contains 10g of collagen and 3g of sugar or less.

oat milk lattes

4. Oat Milk Lattes

I’m absolutely obsessed. I make one every morning with Vital Proteins Coconut Collagen Creamer and it’s to die for. My favorite way to start the day for sure.

buddha bowls

5. Buddha Bowls

My absolute go-to. They’re super easy to make, nutrient dense and insanely delicious. I usually opt for tons of veggies as my base, use chicken or salmon as my protein and any greens as the base. I’ll mix it up using my favorite Primal Kitchen marinades, Green Goddess dressing from Trader Joe’s, tahini, coconut aminos, herbs and a squeeze of lemon depending on what I’m feeling. Endless opportunities to switch up flavors here so you’re never bored or feel unsatisfied!

wellness trends

6. Trying Different Workouts

In the past, I used to get caught up in what worked as opposed to what felt right for my body. I’m working towards bettering my relationship with exercise by truly tuning into my body and asking what it wants and needs on that given day. Yoga? A walk? Hike? Fresh air? Boxing? Rest? Ever since I’ve broken away from the “fear” of switching it up, I’ve been loving mixing up my workouts, trying new classes, hitting the gym or running solo. It really varies day to day! Similar to honoring your cravings, you must honor your body as well!

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