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What Health Coach Carly Beyar Eats in a Day

By: Carly Beyar

Carly Beyar is a NASM certified personal trainer and co-founder ofBalanced Beyars Health LLC (a.k.a.@balancedbeyars), a holistic health coaching practice she founded with her sisters, Alaina and Julie.

They are real-talk health coaches with a mission to encourage others to love their health and have fun with it! They want you to change the stigma that “healthy” is expensive and unattainable. Balanced Beyars believes that with the right mindset, being healthy can be A.A.A. - Accessible, Affordable and Achievable! Get the details on what Carly eats in a day below.

Inside Health Coach Carly Beyar's Day

6:30A.M.:Rise and shine! First thing I do when I wake up is enjoy a big glass of water –16oz. to be exact! I like to leave it next to my bed overnight so it’s the first thing that I have when I wake up. Then I turn on the tea kettle to get ready for my delicious morning matcha latte, made with Vital Proteins Matcha Collagen (in peach). This has been a ritual of mine for months now and I am loving the calming energy that matcha brings to my morning!

carly beyar matcha

Here is my recipe for a Matcha Latte:


  • 1 scoop Vital Proteins Matcha Collagen (peach flavor)
  • ½ C almond or cashew milk
  • ½ C hot water
  • 1 T maca
  • Cinnamon (topping)
  • 1 T bee pollen (optional)


  1. Blend Matcha Collagen, your milk of choice, hot water, and maca.
  2. Add bee pollen and top off with cinnamon.
  3. Enjoy!

carly beyar morning workout

8:00A.M.-9:30A.M.:It’s finally “me time”! I truly believe that everyone needs to make time to do the things that they love at least once a day. Personally, “me time” is best spent when I am moving my body! How I “move” that day depends solely on how my body is feeling. When I am stressed and lacking sleep, I make sure to do slow movements like yoga or walking to support my adrenals and cortisol levels.

However, today I was in the mood for something high-energy and it was beautiful out, so I decided to run over to a turf field by the water and crush a 10-minute HIIT workout. The idea is to go “all out” and push yourself with no rest. After a nice warm-up, set your timer for 10 minutes and you’ll be done in no time.

10-Minute HIIT Morning Workout

  • 1 min.: High Knees

  • 1 min.: Push-Ups

  • 1 min.: Jump Squats

  • 1 min.: Side-to-Side Toe Taps

  • 1 min.: Jump Lunges

  • 1 min.: Dish & Tuck

  • 1 min.: Bear Crawls

  • 1 min.: Dive Bombers

  • 1 min.: Mountain Climbers

  • 1 min.: Wall-Squat Hold

carly beyar breakfast

10:00A.M.: Breakfast time! One of my favorite go-to meals is coconut yogurt with fruit! Not only is the kefir a good source of probiotics, but the fruit adds so many juicy antioxidants! Today’s combo included COYO Coconut Kefir, sliced kiwis and pomegranates, chia seeds, and a dash of cinnamon.

carly beyar tuna

1:00P.M.: To save money, I like to pack my lunch in glass microwave-safe containers Tip: Don’t use plastic! When plastic is heated up the chemicals can leach into your food. Do your best to opt for glass plates or containers.

This tuna combo takes less than 5 minutes to make! It’s a perfect option for those who are on the go. Here’s what you need:

  • SafeCatch Cajun Wild-Caught Tuna
  • 1 T Primal Kitchen Avocado Mayo
  • 2 C wild arugula
  • 1 T Primal Kitchen dressing
  • 1 serving of Flackers (hello, fiber!)

3:00P.M.:This is about that time where I need a snack! I do my best to choose whole foods first so organic gala apples, clementines, or organic sugar snap peas are what I usually reach for. If I am in a pinch or on the go, I love the Cashew Cookie LARABAR because it only has two ingredients: Cashews and dates!

carly beyar dinner

6:00P.M.: Dinner time! Homemade turkey burgers (using flax meal, almond meal, an egg, seasonings, and organic ground turkey) over a big kale salad (massaged in extra virgin olive oil) with roasted sweet potatoes. I also added Trader Joe’s Green Goddess dressing to top it all off. I could honestly eat this every day.

carly beyar golden milk

8:00P.M.:This is when I am either craving tea or some sort of dessert! Tonight, I decided to make a warm cup of golden milk. This antioxidant-packed latte curbs my cravings and helps me fall asleep like a baby. I use turmeric, cinnamon, ground black pepper, maple syrup, and almond milk. Just blend it all together and enjoy!

Disclaimer: Turmeric will stain, so make sure you don’t spill it on something you love.

So, there you have it – what a health coach eats in a day! Because my sisters and I love recipe creation – our parents call us “mad scientists in the kitchen” – I am always experimenting and switching up my favorite meals! But hey, that’s what makes being healthy fun and exciting. I never get bored!

Before I go, I’ll leave you with this: Whole foods are packed with health benefits. Try your best to create meals and snacks made from Mother Earth’s supply! Do your best most of the time but always remember to find the healthy balance the works for you (a.k.a. eating cake on your dang birthday).

Photos: @carlybeyar/Instagram

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